Bir İnsan pişirmek


Nezih Uzel'den not: "Cuisiner un homme [Bir insan pişirmek]" başlığı altında, 18 mart'ta "Planéte" kategorisinde yayınladığımız, Fransızca Le Monde gazetesinden alınan haberin "Meydancı" imzası ile İngilizce versiyonu geldi. Teşekkürler. İngilizce ve Fransızca kullanan dostların dikkatine sunulur. Birkaç gün sonra Türkçesini vereceğim. Saygılar.

"To cook a man Joseph Marzah, known as “Zigzag “, can neither read nor to write. But Zigzag can kill. And it did it on order of Charles Taylor, former chief of war elected president of Liberia in 1997, judged by the special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL), for crimes against the humanity made during the war in Sierra Leone (1991-2002).

Thursday March 13, Zigzag, ex-commander of a death squad of Charles Taylor, told with the bar of the witnesses whom the former bast president “said to us that we could even eat the White of the United Nations, it said that we could use them like pigs, and to eat them”. During the war, it adds, the “enemies “were promised with the same fate. The lawyer of Charles Taylor, Courtenay Griffiths, questions: “Did you cook Them?” The witness, introduced by the charge, answers: “Yes, I took part.” New question: “And how one prepares a human being?”

“We cut the throat, then, we throw the head and the intestines. Afterwards, we put the flesh in a pan and we make cook. Charles Taylor knows it (…). It said to us that we could eat them. But I could not eat them believed, we made a barbecue, with salt and pepper.” (Courtesy the World)"